Frost’s Descent

src=http___up.enterdesk.com_edpic_source_da_b7_47_dab74781a336052a9081d4d134fd8be6.jpg&refer=http___up.enterdesk.webprost’s Descent is the last solar term in autumn. People also attach great importance to Frost’s descent. There are customs such as removing evil and sweeping tombs in various places to pray for good weather and a happy and healthy life. For example, in some places such as Yantai in Shandong Province, frost’s descent on this day people go to the western suburbs to meet frost; In Gaoming district, Guangdong Province, there is a custom of “sending taro ghosts” before Frost’s descent.In some parts of China, red persimmons are eaten during Frost’s Descent. In the local people’s opinion, this can not only keep warm, but also strengthen the muscles and bones, which is a very good food for frost’s descent. Meanwhile, Frost’s Descent is the season when chrysanthemums are in full bloom. At this time, the folk will hold the chrysanthemum meeting to express their love and reverence for the chrysanthemum. In addition, there is a folk saying that “it is better to mend winter than frost’s descent”. Therefore, Frost’s Descent season, there are folk “cooking mutton”, “cooking sheep head”, “Yingshuang rabbit meat” food customs.

Post time: Oct-22-2022